
Departing from a designated port where a VRA Agent is not present.

1 . The qualifying purchaser may request the VRA for a refund by submitting a Letter that must:

• Explain the circumstances and give a motivation for the postal claim
• State the qualifying purchaser’s postal address.

2 . The following documents must be attached to the Letter:

The original Tax invoice.
Proof that the qualifying purchaser declared the movable goods for Customs purposes in his/her country of residence.
A copy of the export documentation prescribed by the Customs Act.
A copy of the qualifying purchaser’s:
Trading license as well as the letter of authorisation and a copy of the authorised person’s passport (in respect of Foreign Entities)
Passport and a letter from the relevant diplomatic or consular mission stating that the foreign diplomat is departing  from South Africa permanently
Passport and proof of permanent residence in an export country
proof of current residency in export country (in respect of tourists with South African passports)

Where the qualifying purchaser (or the representative) was in South Africa at the time of purchase, the copy of his/her passport must include those pages containing the endorsement reflecting entry (entry stamp) into South Africa and the endorsement reflecting exit (exit stamp) from South Africa.

In the case of export by Air:

A copy of the air waybill as well as the flight number and the date and place of departure.

In the case of export by Sea:

A copy of the bill of lading which must contain a full description of the movable goods to be exported.

In the case of export by Rail:

A copy of the freight transit order issued by Spoornet and A copy of the combined consignment note and invoice issued by Spoornet.

In the case where the movable goods of more than one (1) person are exported in one (1) consignment and only one (1) bill of lading is issued, such bill of lading must be accompanied by an annex issued by a clearing agent containing a full              description of the movable goods supplied by each vendor.
This description must specify the quantity or mass, as well as the value of the relevant movable goods.

No refund will be made where the refund is not submitted and fully motivated within 90 calendar days of export.

All information provided above is contained in the SARS official External Guide for VAT Refunds